DBD::mysql - A Perl5 Database Interface to the MySQL database
The driver installation is described in
In short: If you are using
1.) If you need to use an HTTP Proxy, set the environment
variable http_proxy, for example like this:
set http_proxy=http://myproxy.com:8080/
2.) The actual installation is as simple as
ppm install DBI
ppm install DBD::mysql
As of this writing, the above procedure won't work with
ActivePerl 5.8.0, because so far a PPM for DBD::mysql is
not available from the ActiveState server. I don't know
why. However, Randy Kobes has kindly donated a PPM package
to his own repository. You can use this as follows:
ppm install http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppms/DBD-mysql.ppd
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